Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Tag Tuesday: The Ruler of Books Tag

I haven't been tagged but I loved the questions and the idea behind this book tag. The Ruler of Books Tag was started by Ariel Bissett. You should check her channel out I love her video's because she is so passionate about books and reading.

1) What book would you make everyone read?
For this I had two but I have decided to go with Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. I think it's a really interesting book and it really gets you thinking about how your actions can affect others. It really brings attention to bullying and how mental abuse can be just as harmful to others as physical abuse even if you didn't really mean what you did/said.

2)What would you abolish in book construction?
Stiff spines, they are the bane of my life! UK paperbacks tend to have really stiff spines which makes it a little tricky to read when it's a book over 350 pages long. The most annoying thing about stiff spines though is that when you get half way trough a book or if you open it a little too wide it wrinkles the spine and it makes the books look a little scruffy when on the shelf. I'd definitely have to get rid of this and ensure all books are made bendy.

3) What author would you commission to write you any book?
I'd have to go with Marie Rutkoski I fell in love with her writing about this time last year after reading the first two books in the Winners Trilogy and I would just love more books from that world from the points of view of a couple of commoners or people who fought on each side. I just need more, I would pay beyond the odds for more of this world.

4) What book would you demote to the library basement to make room for new books?
This has to be The Old Man & The Sea by Ernest Hemmingway. We were made to read this for school back when I was doing my GCSE's and I could not stand this book. Nothing of interest happens at all and to say it is such a short novel it sure does feel like it drags on! I sometimes think about re-reading this, maybe I didn't give it a fair chance because we were forced to read it but right now I have no interest in reading it again.

5)What cover artist would you choose to paint a mural?
I'm going with Ruben Toledo who did a beautiful cover of my favourite book Jane Eyre. He really captured the mood of the story with the colours and illustrations. It is my favourite cover of Jane Eyre I've come across and that's saying something since I own 7 copies of this book. I mean please just look at this cover, it's stunning!

6) What characters face would you put on a coin?
Hermione Granger - I tried to avoid referencing Harry Potter for once but I couldn't help it I think Hermione deserves her face on a coin. Without her Harry would not have survived to the end. I think she's a girl everyone can and should look up to and just an overall amazing character.

7) What book would you award the "Ruler of Books" 2016 prize to?

It has to be Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys, I read this at the beginning of the year and it's still something I think about on a regular basis. It's interesting, charming, captivating, funny and so well written! I can't wait to read others books by her but I don't feel emotionally ready yet.

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