Wednesday, 11 May 2016

T5W: Characters You Are Most Like

Hi All,

I'm here with my second Top 5 Wednesday which was started by Ginger Reads Lainey and is now being looked after by Thoughts on Tomes and the topics can be found on Goodreads

This weeks topic is Characters You Are Most Like and this one was a fairly easy one for me to do. Most of the characters below I only feel I have one or two traits in common with but I feel I have most in common with my number 1 stop. So lets get started :)

1. Katniss Everdeen - The Hunger Games Trilogy
Trait; Stubborness
I had a bit of a love hate relationship with Katniss while reading the Hunger Games. I loved the series but found her to be quite frustrating especially with her stubborn behaviour but I am very similar to her with this. When I have decided to do something it's very rare I can be talked round although unlike Katniss it's very rare my stubbornness is out of wanting to survive life threatening situations.

2. Luna Lovegood- The Harry Potter Series
Trait; Spacey
I absolutely love Luna Lovegood and I'd like to think I had a lot in common with her but I think the biggest thing would be how spacey she can be. By this I mean that she comes across a little like she's half in a dream world, soft spoken and firm in her beliefs but not in an overbearing intense kind of way she just accepts that people might not believe what she believes and that's okay. 

3. Hannah Baker - Thirteen Reasons Why
Trait: Belief in the domino effect
I loved this book because I believe that everyone's actions have a consequence either directly or indirectly and this book goes into that a lot I often think that some of the things I do or say are because of what others have done or said to me in the past. However I also believe that anything negative I do or say might be because of this reason but it's not an excuse as everyone has the option to be the bigger person and there is lots of help out there for serious situations.

2. Fred & George Weasley- The Harry Potter Series
Trait; Sarcasm
I don't think much needs to be said here, I'm sure most of us if not all of us love the twins. I think they were amazing comic relief in the books and in some of the darkest moments they were there with a comment to break the tension. I am known as the person who is very quick witted and sarcastic and can often provide humour when needed with friends and family. 

1. Jane Eyre
I can't list just one trait I have in common with Jane. Since the first time I read the book at age 15 I have felt a deep connection to her and every time I re-read it I learn something new from it. It is the only book apart from the Harry Potter Series that I buy multiples of every time I see a cover I don't own I have to buy it. Jane see's herself as plain and unlovable which I can relate to but the thing I feel the closest likeness with is her independence she doesn't have anyone to guide her but when she feels very strongly about accomplishing things without any shortcuts.

Books Mentioned;
The Hunger Games 
Harry Potter 
Thirteen Reasons Why 
Jane Eyre


  1. I loved your picks! I think it's awesome how so many people, myself included (, chose Hermione this week, and you chose Luna. I loved how unique so many of your choices were, and it was a pleasure to read your post :)

    1. Thank you. I see you picked Katniss too :)
      I honestly did consider Hermione Granger but I feel slightly more like I'm more like Luna.
