Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Tag Tuesday; Gilmore Girls Book Tag

 I absolutely love Gilmore Girls and I'm so happy they are doing a reunion I just hope we'll get a chance to see it here in the UK too! I have a lot of happy memories watching this show and talking about it with my best friend so I have been dying to do this tag. I believe this tag was started by Pucksandpaperbacks on YouTube

1. Lorelai - A character with a witty or sarcastic sense of humour.
For this I am going to have to go with Ron Weasley from the Harry Potter series. I love this sarcasm throughout the series it reminds me a lot of myself.

2. Rory - Your Favourite Classic
I have mentioned this book a lot on this blog but it has to be Jane Eyre. I really relate to Jane in a lot of ways and every time I read it I learn something knew depending on where I am in life it's just a really powerful story.

3. Luke - A book you secretly love, but are afraid to admit
I don't really have any books that I'm ashamed of even if I didn't enjoy a book I've never really been ashamed of so I'm going to twist this one slightly to which book I am ashamed I haven't read yet and that would have to be The Raven Boys there is so much hype around this series I'm just not ready to take it on yet.

4. Lane - A musical Character
I'm going to go with Kestrel from The Winners Trilogy. I love her passion for the piano.

5. Dean - Your first book love
I've interpreted this as the first book I ever loved reading and I will go with George's Marvelous Medicine which was the first book I ever read on my own all the way through so it will always have a special place in my heart.

6. Sooki - A book you devoured
Animal Farm - I think I read this in one sitting. I absolutely loved it, this was my first Orwell and I was a little intimidated, I thought it would be tricky to read but it was easy and so funny.

7. Jess - A book that you love, that gets the most hate
I wouldn't say I absolutely love this book but I did enjoy it while I read it and it seems to get a bit of a bashing and that would be The Selection. I didn't really like the second book and I couldn't even finish the third book but I really enjoyed The Selection while I was reading it, I understand why others aren't so keen though.

8. Miss Patty - A book that was ruined by the hype
I would have to say All The Light We Cannot See at one point this was all over booktube and since I love anything WWII I thought I would love this but I was just so bored! It seemed a little pretenious to me but on the plus side it made me realise I don't like these WWII books that focus on fancy descriptions and being lyrical I like the gritty books that feel a little more real to me personally.

9. Emily Gilmore - Expensive Book
I don't tend to spend a lot on books because I like paperbacks and have never really been able to get used to hardbacks but the exception for this would be my copy of Grimm Fairy Tales  which my boyfriend brought me but I happen to know was an expensive by back then.

10. Paris - An uptight character
I would have to go with Serena from Serena the way she is written she comes across as quite a laid back woman but she is also written in a way where you can see that she is always straining to look laid back while calculating her next move.

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