Wednesday, 18 May 2016

T5W: Summer Reads

Hi All,

I'm here with my second Top 5 Wednesday which was started by Ginger Reads Lainey and is now being looked after by Thoughts on Tomes and the topics can be found on Goodreads

This weeks topic is Summer Reads, I found this one pretty difficult to narrow down to just 5. My list isn't in any particular order that would have been impossible to do :)

5. Lola & the Boy Next Door - Stephanie Perkins
Even the colour of the cover is summery to me. This is a very light and quick read. Even though I read it in Winter I think this would be perfect to take on holiday and read on a plane or by a poolside. The themes in the book are quite easy to follow and the premise is that of your average chick lit and the characters really made it fun to read.

4. Stardust - Neil Gaiman
This is a perfect read for anyone who loves books about adventure, anyone who likes fantasy books that seem to feel like a fairy tale or anyone wanting to try their first Neil Gaiman book. I have loved Neil Gaiman for years and I think this is the one I started with. His writing style is not for everyone but I've think he's a genius! This is such a fun read, it's fast paced and charmingly funny.

3. Sailor Moon - Naoko Takeuchi
If you are a fan of Manga and/or you loved watching Sailor Moon in your youth (like I did) then I highly recommend picking up the Sailor Moon books. There is so much more in the books than I remember ever being TV show. This is another really quick read, it's fun and the illustrations are really good.

2. Change of Heart Jodi Picoult
If you're looking for something that's a little more thought provoking and a little heavier than a lot of the contemporaries out there I recommend Change of Heart or anything by Jodi Picoult. Change of Heart was the first Picoult book I read and it got me hooked on her writing. Even though she writes about some difficult topics her style makes her books easy to follow and quick to read perfect for a day sat on the beach.

1. The Winners Curse - Marie Rutkoski
This is my perfect summer read. When I first heard about it I was little worried I wouldn't like it but I gave it a go anyway and it was so much more than what others had described it as. I think you should go into this read not knowing too much about it so all I'll say is if you like fantasy, political intrigue and a good romance you'll more than likely love this book. Oh and no love triangle, YAY!


  1. I think all of Stephanie Perkins books would be great for summer! Lola is my favorite! :D Great Top 5! :D
    My T5W!

    1. I totally agree although I haven't got around to Isla and the Happily Ever After yet. I'm trying to make my way through the books I own that I haven't read before I buy anymore books.

  2. Oooh! I actually plan to marathon Sailor Moon R over the summer. :)

    1. I loved watching the series as a kid but the books have so much more in them. Also the illustrations are so cute it just feels like a very summery series to me :)

  3. Oooo The Winner's Curse and Lola are both great picks! I haven't read Change Of Heart yet, but I definitely want to now after reading your blurb about it. Great picks!

    1. Thank you :)
      Change of Heart was my first Picoult and I loved it you'll have to let me know your thoughts when you pick it up.
