Wednesday, 25 May 2016

T5W; Characters you defend

Hi All,

I'm here with another Top 5 Wednesday which was started by Ginger Reads Lainey and is now being looked after by Thoughts on Tomes and the topics can be found on Goodreads

I found this one pretty difficult and I've struggled for ages to think of characters lot's of people dislike/hate but I can't think of any, even the ones people are supposed to hate have at least a small group of fans. I've done my best with this one and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone else's posts because I'm sure there are loads of really obvious ones.

1. America Singer (Selection Series - Kiera Kass)
I have seen a lot of people mention how they dislike America because she is indecisive and flightly but I think it's pretty understandable. Back when I was in my teens most people were exactly the same, no-one has their life together at that age and most girls are confused over boys throughout their teens,

2. Serena (Serena - Ron Rash) 
I don't know of anyone else who has read this book so I don't know if anyone actually does dislike Serena but I do feel like if more people read it she'd probably get a bit of stick. I really like her and the things that I feel people would dislike are the ones that I really like for example she is very calm on the surface and she's quite manipulative in a clever way.

3. Bellatrix Lestrange (Harry Potter Series - J.K Rowling)
I think a lot of people like Bellatrix but I think there are probably more people that dislike her. I was the only one in the cinema who was upset when Molly Weasley killed her and the reason I will always defend her is because I believe that even though the books and films never give her a back story I feel like she has a decent one and I also believe a lot of her actions are out of love for Voldemort.

4. Christian Grey - (Shades of Grey Trilogy - E.L James)
I don't like Christian but I do get a bit defensive of him when I hear people talk as if Anastasia was a victim. He is always honest about what he likes, he gives her all the information about it and he gives her time to think over his proposition and he made sure they had a safeword (that she didn't use) if she ever wanted him to stop, I think the relationship was toxic, destructive and ridiculous but on these points I tend to defend Christian,

1. Mr Rochester (Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte)
I have had many a heated discussion usually with my best friend and Mum (both big fans of Wuthering Heights) about Mr Rochester. They find him too brooding and they don't like how he plays games with Jane but I love them as a couple and I think that a lot of his actions can be explained by things that he talks about from his past.

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