Sunday, 29 May 2016

Book Review; Me Before You - JoJo Moyes (Spoiler Free)

20th May to 28th May

It's been a fair few years since I read and enjoyed a book in this genre, in my early 20's I read loads of chick lit and I think after a few months I just got bored as they usually follow the same premise. I wasn't expecting to love this book only to like it at best but I did love it, I loved it so much.

The thing I loved the most about this book this book was the relationship between Will and Lou. I really liked that is was a slow burner and that they started off on a bit of an awkward footing. I really enjoyed the banter and sarcasm, both characters were written so well and were so rounded it felt like I was reading a true story and to some extent this is probably somewhat of a true story for many out there. Another thing I like about the book is how well the difficult topics about disability and euthanasia are handled with tact and I felt like this book had probably been really well researched and thought out before being written which is something I really admire as it really shows when authors don't take the time to think about all sides of a situation. This book is very character driven, something I love when done well, and I have to say I loved the side characters almost as much as I loved Will & Lou especially Lou's family. Her mum reminded me very much of my mum and my Gran especially the fact she never sits down this made me chuckle a little, her dad too reminded me of my dad and my future father in law, the humour is very much the same. I think it was just a very well written cast of characters and the Clark's just felt like your average British family. The whole book is written with charm and just the right humour to difficult issues ratio.

The only slightly gripe I had was Lou's relationship with Patrick I don't personally feel like he added anything to the book I think there was enough going on without her having a boyfriend already, although I didn't mind this so much as sometimes I did feel like showed a different side to Lou like how she has a tendency to just "settle" but I think this could have been shown without him. Also I didn't really like Lou and Katrina's relationship throughout most of the book but I think this is probably because I didn't have a sister till I was 17 years old and I only know what it's like growing up with brothers. By the time my sisters came along I was too old to be bothered about if they stole my things or if they were doing well.

I really wasn't prepared to love this book as much as I did. It reminded me a lot of why I used to love this genre in my early 20's and has made me want to pick more up by her. I already have a list of people in mind to recommend this too! 

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